Welcome to JAMES MARSDEN FAN, your ultimate fan sourse for the talented and handsome American actor James Marsden. James is best known for his roles on X-Men movies, Superman Returns, Hairspray, Enchanted, 27 Dresses and TV series Ally McBeal. And he's currently starring in HBO's new TV series Westworld. Here you will find latest news, photos and videos of James. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to contact me if you've got any questions.

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Dec 2nd

Interview: James Marsden Talks HBO’s Sci-Fi Hit Westworld

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As Game of Thrones take a back seat before its final season, HBO’s newest sci-fi series, Westworld takes over television screens with its dark, twisted look into the dawn of artificial intelligence in a virtual world where visitors are free to do whatever they desire – no matter how noble or depraved. The show has proven to be a huge hit, taking over media and dinner tables with fervid discussions. Right before the show hits its feverish peak known as the season finale on 5 December 2016 on HBO, we sat down with one of the main actors, James Marsden* for to know more about his own Westworld journey.

Westworld is based off Westworld the film, from 1973, by Michael Chricton. Have you watched the film?

James: I watched the original, it was great. Yul Brynner was great, and one of the scariest villains in cinematic history. He was really the original terminator if you think about it.

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Dec 1st

Catching up with Westworld’s James Marsden in Singapore

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Make no mistake, the best way to experience Singapore seems to be through the stomach and James Marsden was all ready for this encounter.

It has become a cliche to ask visiting celebs matters pertaining to cuisine and Marsden appeared to be no stranger to the question. After all, it was his first time ever to this part of the world and he certainly made the most of his trip here having been sighted all a few local food joints. He even readily offered that he was having Laksa after the day’s interviews. Clearly HBO Singapore is taking good care of the man!

Teddy Flood, as we better know him from Westworld, was in Singapore just one week before the first season finale. And while he seemed to have a packed schedule having been to a morning talk show prior to the interview session, he seemed all upbeat as I walked into the room. Having only 25 minutes for a roundtable interview, the questions came fast and furious. It was interesting to see how Marsden tried his very best to hold back on any possible spoilers and deflect off any questions that might allude to his return in season two.

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Nov 30th

Can you picture James Marsden as the Merlion?

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The Westworld and X-Men star on what he likes about the Lion City

SINGAPORE — By now, most television buffs would have caught Westworld, HBO’s futuristic blockbuster about an amusement park set in the Wild West, where rich guests can have their way with their android “hosts”.

But even as audiences prepare for the series’ highly-anticipated season finale on Monday (Dec 5 at 10am Singapore time), actor James Marsden, who plays a gun-slinging host on the show, has been having a considerably more relaxing time than his character on Westworld.

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Nov 30th

James Marsden: I Want To Be A Superhero Again

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The actor talks Singapore food, regaining superpowers and filming nude for “Westworld”

Voted one of the handsomest men alive, James Marsden can make a boring grey couch look good. He sits on one across from us, looking eager and sprightly for a Wednesday morning.

After completing his run as Cyclops, aka Scott Summers, in the X-Men trilogy, Marsden is back to electrify fans with his boyish charm. He returns as the handsome Teddy Flood, a cowboy with a quick draw, in HBO’s latest series, “Westworld”.

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Nov 30th

James Marsden: A romantic hotshot who can sing

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Westworld star James Marsden has only ever met well-known actress Anna Kendrick briefly, whom he described as a “delightful woman with a great sense of humour”.

But he made enough of an impression for her to tell a Buzzfeed reader looking for self-improvement tips, “You should imagine that you have the spirit of Oprah, and the face of James Marsden, and just project that in your daily life.”

Asked what he makes of this advice, the 43-year-old American laughed and told Yahoo Singapore wryly, “I don’t know about the James Marsden part, but I agree with the Oprah part.”

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Nov 29th

‘I have hope’: James Marsden on Westworld character’s love life

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SINGAPORE: Will James Marsden get the girl this time?

Judging from his on-screen track record, chances may be quite slim. The star’s on-screen love life has been less than stellar, especially in his roles in The Notebook and The Best of Me.

But the actor is hopeful his character Teddy Flood, in science fiction thriller series Westworld, will buck that trend.

“There are a lot of people out there theorising about where this is going, what it all means and who’s a robot and who’s not. I find that the show is most satisfying when you just let it all unfold in its organic time. That said, I have hope that they will be together, I love the emotional connection that they have,” he said of Teddy’s relationship with Dolores, played by Evan Rachel Wood.

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Nov 29th

James Marsden Gets Surprise Kiss from Celeb Crush Dame Helen Mirren

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“Westworld” actor James Marsden made an appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” where he dished on his crush on Helen Mirren.

James gushed, “I just love her. I do. I’ve had a massive crush on her for years. [I] didn’t meet her backstage.”

James went on to tell his story about that the time he stalked her at the airport. “I’m glad I’m waiting to be on national television to admit this. But I was on a flight with her once to Rome. And when I got off the flight, I followed her to baggage claim and in a very voyeuristic, creepy way I took a photo of her while she was walking. Very creepy! I was avoiding seeing her backstage because I didn’t want her to know I was stalking her in Rome in an international airport.” Watch!

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Nov 23rd

James Marsden and Stephen Colbert Compare High School Yearbook Photos

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Anyone with eyes can see James Marsden is a good-looking dude.

And on CBS’ The Late Show Tuesday, Stephen Colbert complimented the Westworld actor on a recent honor that made it official. “GQ has named you the World’s Most Handsomest Man,” he said. “First of all, does that come with anything? Is there a medal or cash prize, or do you just get to keep your face?” Hamming it up, Marsden smoldered at the camera and feigned humility. “No, it’s just my lot. It’s just a burden,” he said. “It’s just an albatross around my neck.”

“As a teenager, were you a stud growing up?” Colbert asked.

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Sep 22nd

Westworld’s James Marsden on fulfilling a childhood fantasy in the new sci-fi

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James Marsden is living the cowboy dream, thanks to a starring role in SoHo’s sci-fi drama Westworld.

He plays Teddy Flood, a mysterious wanderer at a fantasy-fuelled, futuristic theme park populated by humanoid robots and where visitors can act out their wildest dreams.

The series, described as a dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the future of sin, also stars Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Thandie Newton and Ed Harris.

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Sep 20th

James Marsden, the World’s Handsomest Man, is Back in “Westworld”

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For one of GQ’s three October cover stories, we took a road trip from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara in a very handsome car (the Porsche 718 Boxster) to stay at a very handsome hotel (the San Ysidro Ranch) with a very handsome actor (James Marsden, the star of HBO’s new dystopian robot theme park drama Westworld). The purpose was twofold: to figure out why someone who should so clearly be a huge movie star isn’t just yet, and to have that dashing man show us how to wear a suit

How famous is James Marsden? He’s a movie star, sure, at least in the literal sense that he is a person who regularly stars in movies. He has all the required movie-star components: charm, talent, a face so obviously beautiful that he played a mutant who wears goggles to avoid blinding other X-Men with his piercing blue eyes. At this very moment, he looks like a movie star against the red interior of the Porsche he’s driving on the 101 Freeway. So far, though, Marsden’s gifts have not brought him full-blown movie stardom, but rather a long and lucrative career playing characters who look like movie stars but lose the girl or their lives to the movie’s actual star. Over his 22-year run—a surprisingly broad résumé of franchises (X-Men, Superman Returns), family blockbusters (Hop, Enchanted), love stories (27 Dresses, The Notebook), films about cooperative loft spaces used for murdering mistresses (The Loft), and genial self-mockery (30 Rock, Anchorman 2)—he has experienced this fate so often that he offers the insight that “if I’m in the movie and there’s another dude, we know how the movie ends.” James Marsden describes the act of Marsdening thus: “losing the girl to some other guy who’s got a little more charisma than him.”

Does this bum Marsden out? Shit no! “I should be working at the Dairy Queen,” he says, then mocks his Okie guilelessness with an “aw shucks” fist swing and a “Golly gee, I’m milquetoast!” But he’s right: How many people who grew up thrashing old cars in Oklahoma City are now behind the wheel of a Boxster 718 S, driving to the super-nice San Ysidro Ranch hotel in Santa Barbara?

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