Welcome to JAMES MARSDEN FAN, your ultimate fan sourse for the talented and handsome American actor James Marsden. James is best known for his roles on X-Men movies, Superman Returns, Hairspray, Enchanted, 27 Dresses and TV series Ally McBeal. And he's currently starring in HBO's new TV series Westworld. Here you will find latest news, photos and videos of James. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to contact me if you've got any questions.

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Role: Tom Wachowski
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Release Date: 20 December 2024
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Role: Jack Lalanne
Status: Completed
Release Date: 3 May 2024
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Site Name: J a m e s M a r s d e n F a n
Since: July 2008
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Site URL: jamesmarsdenfan.net
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Jul 22nd

Video: James Marsden on Comedy Bang! Bang! Season 4 Episode 22

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Jul 17th

Comedy Bang! Bang!: “James Marsden Wears Gray Pants And Black High-Top Sneakers”

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With all due respect to this week’s guest, “James Marsden Wears Gray Pants And Black High-Top Sneakers” is more about Comedy Bang! Bang! nurturing the on-screen connection between Scott Aukerman and Kid Cudi than providing a platform for that sadly neglected slice of the Hollywood community, the handsome, affable, steadily employed leading man.

Reggie Watts left some big foot grooves to fill, and Kid Cudi’s doing it ably. Following the self-conscious conflict and reconciliation of Cudi’s introduction, the show is building between them the same flexible relationship it manufactured, week by week, for Scott and Reggie: best friends, mortal enemies, whatever.

This idea is made literal in the preview of Scott and Cudi’s upcoming “pretty gritty” feature film. After a supply run in the zombie-devastated wasteland, Scott (boasting a broad Southern accent) quizzes Cudi about the foraging team’s survival rate, and each time, Cudi replies with only a silent shake of his head. “Where’s Jane?” No. “What about Doug?” No.

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May 10th

James Marsden: The D Train’s Big Plot Twist Is Not ‘A Cheap Punch Line’

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The actor talks to TIME about his new movie and co-star Jack Black

You’ve never seen a dysfunctional bromance quite like the one at the heart of The D Train, now in theaters. James Marsden stars as Oliver, a struggling actor and one-time high school hot shot lured back to his 20-year reunion by a former classmate (Jack Black) who’s still desperate to be cool after all these years. When a bacchanalian weekend in L.A. and Oliver’s homecoming don’t quite go according to plan, The D Train explores a side of male friendship not often seen on the big screen. “I thought it was one of the more subversive comedies I’ve read in a while,” Marsden says.

TIME caught up with the actor to talk about his high school days, awkward fan encounters and reuniting with Jack Black.

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Feb 9th

James Marsden: “The Notebook made me cry man tears!”

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We chat heartbreak, dream dates and working on the saddest film of all time with the star of Nicholas Sparks’ new movie, The Best of Me

So, let’s begin by asking if there has ever been one that got away?

Not really. I look back and think about my first relationship and how devastated I was when we broke up. At the time I felt like she was the one who got away, but slowly I realised it was better we didn’t end up together.

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Jan 29th

Sundance: Why Jack Black, James Marsden’s “D-Train” Sex Scene Was a “Quick Pop”

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“The D-Train” takes bromance to a very physical level.

When it came time to shoot the film’s central sex scene between stars Jack Black and James Marsden, the team behind the bawdy comedy decided to wait until the last day of filming. That gave the scene an added level of importance.

“It seemed like we were saving it for celebration time,” said Marsden during a question and answer period Friday at the film’s Sundance Film Festival premiere.

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Nov 2nd

James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan get candid

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It’s not often that Hollywood actors come to Mumbai to promote their films. Given the fact the market share of American movies backed by Hollywood studios is only 10 per cent in India, it’s indeed a rarity to spot film stars from the West. Unless they are on a secret vacation and avoiding shutterbugs at all cost! These are the some of the reasons why we were intrigued to learn that James Marsden (of the X:Men fame) and Michelle Monaghan (feted for her strong part in True Detective) were in town for the promotions of their latest film based on Nicholas Sparks’ romantic novel: The Best of Me. Making the most of the event, hitlist sat down with the two and had a freewheeling chat.

Q. The late Paul Walker was the first choice for the role you play in the film. What was your reaction when you were offered the part?
A. James Marsden (JM): I don’t remember my first reaction. It was really tragic to learn about his demise and I can’t say enough about how good he was not only as an actor but also as a person. When they finalised me, all my thoughts were directed towards making sure I do justice to the role.

Q. Michelle, what exactly do you look for when you’re offered a script?
A. Michelle Monaghan (MM): I look for material that I haven’t come across before. As an actor, you don’t want to repeat yourself. If you do that, they’ll stereotype you and you don’t want that to happen. I took up The Best of Me because I always like Nicholas Sparks’ writing. Besides, I was getting an opportunity to work with a director such as Michael Hoffman.

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Oct 21st

Watch James Marsden Play the Gay Edition of Shag, Marry, Kill

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We love when stars play along.

Hollywood hunk James Marsden appeared on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen alongside Minnie Driver last night, and while answering caller questions during the after show, the blue-eyed cutie ended up being put on the spot with a little game many of us are familiar with…but with a twist.

One fan asked the Best of Me star, “James, if you were gay, who would you shag? Who would you kill? Who would you marry?” and gave Marsden his three choices: Andy Cohen, Anderson Cooper and Neil Patrick Harris (yeah, that wasn’t awkward for Andy at all).

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Oct 21st

James Marsden shares a look at his mullet hair days from high school on Today show

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James Marsden dropped by the Today show to talk about his new tearjerker The Best Of Me.

The hunky 41-year-old actor also brought a picture from his high school yearbook that caused a wave of excitement too.

To James’ half-hearted dismay, the photo of his younger self appeared on screen, grinning ever so confidently and sporting the haircut so cherished back in the ’80s and so maligned now – the mullet.

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Oct 21st

James Marsden Gives Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Baby Advice: “Just Make It Through The First Year!”

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The Best of Me actor, who starred alongside Gosling in The Notebook, dishes out parenting advice to the new dad who recently had his first child with the actress.

He’s following in the footsteps of Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum by taking the male lead in a Nicholas Sparks film.

But one thing that 41-year-old actor James Marsden has on his predecessors is parenting experience, as a father of three.

Speaking to Yahoo Celebrity at the launch of his new film ‘The Best of Me’, the Oklahoma native dished out some advice to new parents, Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes.

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Oct 15th

Hot Guy/Cold Drink: Tequila And Tenderness With James Marsden

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By Justine Harman
OCTOBER 14, 2014

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been enchanted by James Marsden’s hyperrealized good looks: those striking cheekbones, the oversaturated blue eyes, and that “Hey, Girl” smirk. But when we meet at The Fat Radish, a sun-drenched farm-to-table eatery on New York’s lower east side, I realize what I always realize when I meet actors: James Marsden is just one man. He’s not some bizarre amalgamation of every out-of-reach hottie and chiseled screen star I’ve ever idolized. He’s just a guy who makes jokes that don’t land, gets worried that he’s hurt your feelings (when he hasn’t), and connects with whomever happens to be in his orbit—be she a microphone-wielding journalist or a drink-bearing waitress. (No wonder he was so good at playing Liz Lemon’s adorable hot dog vendor husband, Criss Cross, on 30 Rock.)

And yes, of course, he’s divine looking. But when he challenges you to a full-on beer chug—according to the actor, he and his dad both possess an uncanny ability to rocket back cold ones—you forget that he’s the star of Nicholas Sparks’ latest, The Best of Me, out Friday, and not just another frat boy teasing the hopeless competitor inside you. And therein lies James Marsden’s charm: No matter how old we get, he stays the same age. Save for a few salty flecks at his temples, he’s as arresting and youthful now as he was in 2000’s cult-loved Gossip (you know, the dark, sexy one with Norman Reedus and Kate Hudson).

Here, we grill the 41-year old on the curse of being born beautiful, his real-life high school sweetheart, and what it’s really like to play second banana to Gosling:

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