Welcome to JAMES MARSDEN FAN, your ultimate fan sourse for the talented and handsome American actor James Marsden. James is best known for his roles on X-Men movies, Superman Returns, Hairspray, Enchanted, 27 Dresses and TV series Ally McBeal. And he's currently starring in HBO's new TV series Westworld. Here you will find latest news, photos and videos of James. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to contact me if you've got any questions.

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Paradise (Season 1)
Role: Cal Bradford
Status: Post- Production
Air Date: 28 January 2025
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Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Role: Tom Wachowski
Status: Completed
Release Date: 20 December 2024
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Role: Jack Lalanne
Status: Completed
Release Date: 3 May 2024
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Site Name: J a m e s M a r s d e n F a n
Since: July 2008
Webmaster: Crayen
Site URL: jamesmarsdenfan.net
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Apr 9th

How James Marsden Feels About X-Men’s Legacy As The Movie Turns 20

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This July is the 20th anniversary of the release of X-Men, a movie that not only marked the cinematic debut of the Marvel mutants, but also played a key role in popularizing superhero movies. Among the stars of the ensemble cast was James Marsden, who played Scott Summers, a.k.a. Cyclops, the eponymous team’s field leader capable of shooting optic blasts from his eyes.

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with James Marsden about his latest movie, Sonic the Hedgehog, and when the conversation turned to X-Men, he noted how while he and his cast-mates knew that this movie would be unique, he never imagined that the franchise would grow the way that it did. As the actor told me:

“I think we all hoped it would become what it’s become, and we knew it had the power to with the legacy of the X-Men universe. They’ve been around since 1962, 1963? And so when we first started, it was 40 years of backstory and superfans. So we knew if we do this right, this could be something forever, for a long, long time. I’d hoped, but I did not anticipate that they’d still be making them. I mean, I thought maybe they’d make 4 or 5 of them in its success, but how many have they made now, 10? So it’s kinda crazy and really cool.”

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Feb 20th

Video: James Marsden Reads A Secret Letter From ‘Sonic’ Costar Ben Schwartz

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Feb 2nd

James Marsden Has Some Advice for the MCU’s Next Cyclops

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One way or another, the X-Men are on their way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It’s basically been set in stone since 20th Century Fox’s merged with Disney and Marvel head-honcho Kevin Fiege mentioned “the mutants” at last year’s San Diego Comic-Con. Which means we’ve got a whole world of casting stories ahead of us; new Wolverine, new Jean Grey, new Cyclops, the whole nine yards.

So naturally, when I sat down with the OG Cyclops, James Marsden, to discuss the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog, I also asked if he had any advice for the MCU’s future eye-beam-blasting mutant. Marsden played Scott Summers across four films and fourteen years, starting with 2000’s X-Men and for the last time in 2014’s X-Men: Days of Future Past. Appropriately enough, the actor’s advice is all in the eyes. Or, lack thereof.

“The biggest challenge was that, the audience and other actors never being able to see your eyes. Definitely was a handicap in bringing a persona to the character, and an energy to the character. To a character who is also very, by nature, very by-the-books. Kind of a Boy Scout, ‘do the right thing.’ He’s a foil to Wolverine’s character, who is more fly by the seat of his pants, a little more unpredictable, and aggressive.

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Jan 29th

Video: Sonic The Hedgehog – James Marsden Behind the Scenes Interview

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Jan 29th

Video: Jim Carrey, James Marsden and Ben Schwartz Talk SONIC THE HEDGEHOG

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Jan 29th

X-Men Star James Marsden Open to Another Superhero Role Under Marvel

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Former X-Men star James Marsden is “totally open” to rejoining the franchise under Marvel Studios, who is expected to reboot the mutants when introducing the characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marsden portrayed Scott Summers, a.k.a. concussive blast-firing team leader Cyclops, in 2000’s X-Men and 2003’s X2: X-Men United before the character met his end at the hands of corrupted lover Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) in 2006’s X-Men: The Last Stand. Cyclops was prematurely killed at the behest of then-owners 20th Century Fox because Marsden had limited availability due to following X-Men and X2 director Bryan Singer to the DC Comics universe in Superman Returns, where Marsden played Richard White.

Marsden next stars as Green Hills sheriff Tom Wachowski in Sonic the Hedgehog, but would the 46-year-old actor seize an opportunity to return to the X-Men universe as a different character?

“Sure. It might be weird to be one thing to sort of rejoin Marvel or rejoin DC or something like that, but to actually rejoin X-Men as a different character might feel a little strange. But I would be open to it,” Marsden told ComicBook.com in an exclusive interview. “I mean, that was a world I have great respect for and [I’m] very grateful to be a part of that family for a long period of time. It’s one of those special moments in my career and I would totally be open to that.”

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Jan 25th

Video: Sonic the Hedgehog – The Shocking Secret How the Movie Was Made

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May 30th

James Marsden on going from ‘Westworld’ to ‘Dead to Me’

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James Marsden knows a thing or two about being pegged as the bad-guy love interest. Hello, this is the guy who has spent the better part of the last 15 years being considered the “villain” in the modern-day romantic classic ‘The Notebook’ with his portrayal as Lon, the non-Ryan Gosling war veteran and interim love interest to Rachel McAdam’s Allie. It’s a reputation he still challenges.

“There was nothing wrong with Lon in ‘The Notebook,’” Marsden says matter-of-factly, with a layer of playfulness. “But for some reason, he’s the bad guy. And it’s like, wait, [he’s] letting her actually go figure her stuff out. He’s understanding! But some people think he’s the bad guy.” With his role in ‘Dead to Me,’ Marsden at least understands the animus. (Warning: spoilers ahead.)

The buzzed-about Netflix traumedy, released earlier this month, stars Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini in a story centred on the unlikely — and darkly twisted — friendship between two women. Judy (Cardellini) befriends Jen (Applegate) at a grief counselling group not long after the hit-and-run death of Jen’s husband, Ted. Viewers soon learn that Judy was driving the car that killed Ted. And she’s been covering it up at the urging of her smarmy, narcissistic, money-laundering ex-fiance Steve (Marsden), who was in the car with her when it happened.

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May 25th

Video: James Marsden Was Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhart’s Third Wheel

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May 15th

‘Dead to Me’s’ James Marsden has some things to say about being the bad-guy lover

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James Marsden knows a thing or two about being pegged as the bad-guy love interest. Hello, this is the guy who has spent the better part of the last 15 years being considered the “villain” in the modern-day romantic classic “The Notebook” with his portrayal as Lon, the non-Ryan Gosling war veteran and interim love interest to Rachel McAdam’s Allie. It’s a reputation he still challenges.

“There was nothing wrong with Lon in ‘The Notebook,’” Marsden says matter-of-factly, with a layer of playfulness. “But for some reason, he’s the bad guy. And it’s like, wait, [he’s] letting her actually go figure her stuff out. He’s understanding! But some people think he’s the bad guy.” With his role in “Dead to Me,” Marsden at least understands the animus. (Warning: spoilers ahead.)

The buzzed-about Netflix traumedy, released earlier this month, stars Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini in a story centered on the unlikely — and darkly twisted — friendship between two women. Judy (Cardellini) befriends Jen (Applegate) at a grief counseling group not long after the hit-and-run death of Jen’s husband, Ted. Viewers soon learn that Judy was driving the car that killed Ted. And she’s been covering it up at the urging of her smarmy, narcissistic, money-laundering ex-fiance Steve (Marsden), who was in the car with her when it happened.

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