Welcome to JAMES MARSDEN FAN, your ultimate fan sourse for the talented and handsome American actor James Marsden. James is best known for his roles on X-Men movies, Superman Returns, Hairspray, Enchanted, 27 Dresses and TV series Ally McBeal. And he's currently starring in HBO's new TV series Westworld. Here you will find latest news, photos and videos of James. Enjoy your stay, and feel free to contact me if you've got any questions.

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Role: Cal Bradford
Status: Post- Production
Air Date: 28 January 2025
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Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Role: Tom Wachowski
Status: Completed
Release Date: 20 December 2024
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Role: Jack Lalanne
Status: Completed
Release Date: 3 May 2024
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Site Name: J a m e s M a r s d e n F a n
Since: July 2008
Webmaster: Crayen
Site URL: jamesmarsdenfan.net
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Feb 18th

The James Marsden interview

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What do you do when Hollywood hero James Marsden walks up to your table to say hello? Or better still, shakes hands as well as a cocktail for you? The big dilemma here is between pinching yourself into believing you are not dreaming, and admiring that stunning pair of deep-set light blue eyes (almost like jewels) and those chiselled cheekbones without spilling the drink or the food in your mouth!

Such a dream-like scenario touched base with reality when Marsden flew to New Delhi from Manila last week. “It’s my first visit to Delhi,” announced the affable actor who visited Mumbai for a few days in 2014 to promote his film The Best Of Me (2014).

Marsden, I discover during our chat, is blessed with a great sense of humour, the sort that instantly puts anyone at ease. Before you know it, you’re chuckling at his witty repartee. Add to that his love for spicy Indian food and desire to spend time in India, and you have the recipe for the perfect conversation in place!

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Feb 10th

I am happy playing a buffoon than James Bond, says James Marsden

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“My children are overwhelmingly underwhelmed that I have been in the X-Men series, or maybe they don’t want it to get to my head,” said Hollywood actor James Marsden, to the media in New Delhi. Marsden, known for his roles in the X-Men series, 27 Dresses, and The Notebook was on a two-city tour as Diageo’s global ambassador and was in the Capital for the International Scotch Day celebrations on February 8. With a career roughly spanning 25 years, Marsden, 44, spoke about choosing his roles, the TV drama Westworld, and how he isn’t smart enough to know if AI will take over. Excerpts:

You come from a middle-class family in Oklahoma, and began your career in the performing arts.

I enjoyed being on the stage, singing and acting in musicals. For me, it was more about self discovery. I loved that I could inhabit other characters. I know that acting is not typical Oklahoma profession — there is a big art scene there — but we were raised to think that’s not realistic. My parents were very supportive, and I moved to Los Angeles, kind of on a whim. I think I was naive to the point of being overtly confident to the point where you think that everything is possible and you want to see how far you can fall.

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Feb 9th

Would be incredible: Marsden on ‘X-Men’ spin-off of Cyclops

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Actor James Marsden says it would be a great opportunity if his popular “X-Men” character Cyclops would get his own spin-off series.

The 44-year-old actor, who played Scott Summers, a mutant who could generate concussive force red-colored beams from his eyes, said the Marvel Universe has multiple characters that have great content to develop individual movies.

“I think that that could happen. I wouldn’t be the one to decide. Who’s playing the role or how old he is. Tye Sheridan (in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse) did a nice job playing me 20 years ago. But I think what’s great about the ‘X-Men’ Universe is that there are 50 odd different sagas and storylines that you could really do spinoffs with any of these characters.

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Feb 9th

Television is in a renaissance: James Marsden (IANS Interview)

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New Delhi, Feb 9 (IANS) Hollywood actor James Marsden, known for playing dashing cowboy Teddy Flood in “Westworld” — a popular TV series that is geared up for its second season this year — says the television space is going through a renaissance wherein people are ready to take risks with content.

“I think now television is (in) a renaissance. There is so much good work out there that you can see people do much more and they are also ready to take more risks and a lot more stories are being told… even bold ones,” Marsden told IANS during his visit to the capital, where he was part of Diageo India’s celebration of International Scotch Day.

“There is a great variety in movies and in television and through the years, you can see a great evolution in the kind of roles and stories people are telling,” added the actor.

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Feb 9th

Photos from International Scotch Day added

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I’ve uploaded 17 HQ photos of Jimmy at International Scotch Day in New Delhi yesterday to the gallery.

Public Appearances > 2018 Appearances > [2018.02.08]International Scotch Day in New Delhi (HQ)

Feb 8th

We had a great time making ’27 Dresses’: James Marsden

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Actor James Marsden says working on the sets of the “27 Dresses” was like a celebration for him.

The 44-year-old actor said he shared a great tuning with the female lead, Katherine Heigl, which was instrumental in the film’s popularity.

“27 Dresses” recently completed its 10 years and Heigl had said working on the film felt like a “college” experience to her.

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Feb 8th

HQ photos from Diageo 2018 Campaign added

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I’ve uploaded 2 HQ photos from Diageo 2018 Campaign to the gallery.

Photoshoot Outtakes > Other Shoots > Diageo 2018 Campaign

Feb 8th

WATCH: What James Marsden loves about the Philippines

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MANILA, Philippines — James Marsden, who rose into stardom by playing Scott Summers or Cyclops in “X-Men” films, visited Manila on February 6 to mark International Scotch Day on February 8.

During the event, Marsden has been proclaimed as #LoveScotch’s international celebrity ambassador. He, in turn, has proclaimed his love for the Philippines.

According to him, he keeps on coming back to the Philippines because of its “wonderful” and smiling people; great food, and tropical weather.

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Feb 8th

WATCH: ‘Cyclops’ James Marsden reacts to Hollywood’s #MeToo movement

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MANILA, Philippines — James Marsden, who rose into stardom by playing Scott Summers or Cyclops in “X-Men” films, visited Manila on February 6 to mark International Scotch Day on February 8.

During the event, Marsden has been introduced as #LoveScotch’s international celebrity ambassador. The Philippine press cannot help but ask the actor about #MeToo, arguably the hottest topic in Hollywood nowadays sparked by sexual harassment charges against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein by Hollywood stars like Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Though Marsden has been timid in expressing his opinion on the issue, he acknowledged that the initiative is a great campaign.

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Feb 8th

WATCH: ‘Cyclops’ James Marsden celebrates International Scotch Day in Manila

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MANILA, Philippines — James Marsden, who rose to stardom by playing Scott Summers or Cyclops in the “X-Men” films, visited Manila on February 6 to mark International Scotch Day on February 8.

During the event, Marsden has been proclaimed as #LoveScotch’s international celebrity ambassador.

“Scotch has always been one of my favorite drinks and I’m excited to be in the Philippines to usher in International Scotch Day celebrations with my fellow Scotch enthusiasts,” Marsden said.

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